Storable Corporate Culture

The creative team was responsible for creating the Storable corporate culture. It was brought to life through many different ways, three of which were their ESG initiative, the employee handbook and location branding for office graphics (before they went fully remote). In my time there, I led the creative on each of these aspects to really hone in on who and what that culture was, felt like, believed and, ultimately, would attract prospective employees and retain existing ones.

An employee handbook should embody the personality of the company. ‘The Way of the Storrior’ did just that. The bold design, along with the tongue and cheek brand voice set the tone for the type of company that Storable was. These were part of the welcome packet given to all employees on their first day.

Each Storable office was an artifact or one of the legacy companies. We worked to bring unification of the office space through design, as well as unite the culture of the employees that work there.  These graphics used hexagon based geometry inspired from the Storable logo to do just that.

Project Contributors:

  • Me: Creative Direction, Brand Strategy, Brand Architecture, Brand Identity, Art Direction

  • Rob Mitchell: ACD, Art (Corporate Responsibility)

  • Katie Fleming: Design (Corporate Responsibility)

  • Lindsay Bruno: Copywriting (Employee Handbook)

  • Jordan Sheer: Design (Employee Handbook)

  • Ian Tirone: Illustrations (Locations)


Design Week


Storable Wearables